by Brett Edwards
There seems to be some discussion about whether or not LeBron was fouled on the last shot he took at the end of Game 3. Before I add my two cents, let's take another look.
In my estimation, Bowen was trying to foul LeBron on the floor, before he shot. That would have been a good move, because LeBron would have received two free throw attempts, which would have done the Cavs no good being down by three. Bowen clearly and intentionally made contact with LeBron, and since the Cavs were down three, James immediately elevated and jacked up a 30-footer, hoping to get to the line for three free throws. There are two problems with this:
1- As LeBron should have learned from the Detroit series, the refs are not going to send you to the line to win the game this deep into the playoffs unless you were literally raped by the other team. I'm talking blood, pants around the ankles, the whole nine yards.
2- If the refs did actually blow the whistle there, they almost certainly would have called a two-shot foul, and would not have given LeBron three free throws. See (1) for the reason why. The argument/controversy here would be that it should have been a "continuation," since James didn't dribble after the contact and simply rose up for the shot. Again, there's no way the refs are calling that, especially knowing what the Spurs' intentions were going into that play.
As I said at the time, the Spurs did exactly what they should have done on that play: attempt to foul LeBron on the ground, not giving him a chance to tie the game. LeBron did exactly what he should have done, which was elevate for the shot as soon as he felt the contact, because two free throws wouldn't help his cause at that point. And the refs did exactly what they should have done, which was let the (slight but intentional) contact before the shot go with a no-call.
So since everyone did exactly what was expected of them in that situation, where's the controversy?
I couldn't agree more...
Posted by: dswinder | June 13, 2007 at 10:25 AM
a sane, reasonable commentary. i am shocked. i really expected to come here and read an article about how bron and the cavs got robbed. i think the controversy is, yet another, sad attempt by the media to drum up ratings for this series.
i don't understand how people can call themselves fans and not watch the finals (ahem, schism). i know game 3 was ugly, but at least both teams sucked and it was the closest game of the series. i think the refs had a lot to do with killing the pace of game 3. since when does anderson "sideshow bob" varejao get so many calls? there was an abundance of non-fouls that were called. it was miserable and really slowed down the game.
games 1 and 2 had some beautiful basketball. unfortunately, the spurs were the only team that came to play. you can't blame the low ratings on the spurs. they are really playing some great basketball. lebron is not living up to the hype and the cavs (the whole eastern conference, for that matter) have been exposed as a mediocre team. a heavy reconstruction of the playoff seeding system is in order and referees need to let the games flow.
don't blame the spurs for this mess. they are playing fantastic. game 4 will be better the cavs have to show some fire or this humiliation will carry over to next season. the spurs should be back to form. there is no way ginobili will have two horrible games in a row. so unless you're a closet soccer fan, (but you just don't know it yet) watch the goddamn game! i watch the finals every year, whether my team is participating or not, because i like basketball.
Posted by: dave | June 13, 2007 at 11:43 AM
So just to be clear: The fair, by-the-book outcome of Bowen's two-handed shove is a no-call?
The continuation is up for debate, no doubt. But I'll have to remember this next time a Lakers fan complains when Kobe doesn't get a call. The game situation must not have dictated one. Fouls are fouls, except when they aren't.
I'm going with Van Gundy on this one based on the fact that just about every time he has opened his mouth for ESPN/ABC gold and diamonds have flowed forth. Foul and continuation.
Is there any way to get a Albert/Hubie/Van Gundy booth? Why is this impossible?
dave: I am a soccer fan. I have watched the finals only intermittently. Its not because of the Spurs. Its because the competition is low. Its much less interesting to watch a contest which has a foregone conclusion.
Posted by: John R. | June 13, 2007 at 03:09 PM
Errggggg Wrong answer!
There is something in the NBA you may not have heard about called "continuation". You should look it up.
1. You admit it was a foul.
2. You are obviously wrong about it being a two shot foul.
3. Lebron would/should have had an opportunity to tye the game.
4. The entire NBA playoffs have oddly gone in the favor of the Spurs in these situations.
5. Draw your own conclusions as to why.
Posted by: E-Rock | June 13, 2007 at 04:15 PM
Cleveland oh Cleveland>>>>>
you have..........
"the Drive"
"the Fumble"
"world series" game 7
"the Browns leaving"
...and now "the foul"
your sports city sucks....
If I were you....I would get a noose and jump of the fucking Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Buliding by now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Israel Rico | June 13, 2007 at 04:50 PM
You know, John R really hit the nail on the head. The Spurs are just too damn good, and that's why everyone despises them (penny the Spurs fans). I think alot of people like to see the under dog win; like with David and Goliath for example. But when Goliath is just too powerful and David doesn't even have a chance, it's a beatdown with no competetion factor what so ever. That's why I don't find these particular finals all that appealing; though I have been watching anyway.
And it doesn't help that ABC makes the broadcast seemingly unbearable. Their theatre bit with the classic footage made me want to stare into the sun.
Posted by: Schism | June 13, 2007 at 08:49 PM
Don't blame the Spurs because the Eastern Conference is weak. Just blame them for everything else.
Posted by: Pimp Dice | June 14, 2007 at 07:20 AM
So you are saying the rules don't apply at the end of the game? Interesting...And you are also saying, that because the ref's new "the Spurs intentions" going into the play that continuation should not have even been considered? Wow. Why not just give them the trophy since they intend on winning it? That sounds fair...Horrible, appalling commentary on the play. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Posted by: EasyStreet | June 14, 2007 at 08:05 AM
The Spurs are boring for the following reasons:
1. Veteran players with high basketball IQs executing flawless and strategic plays for 48 minutes.
2. Manu Ginobili's behind- the-back-reverse layups, passes and dribbles between defenders' legs (such as Kobe Bryant), clutch three pointers, and dunks over 1-5 opponents.
3. Tony Parkers layup clinics.
4. A brilliant coach who emphasizes family and teamwork over star power and ratings.
5. The smartest player (basketball and otherwise) in the league, Tim Duncan.
6. The team with best collective sense of humor (see press conferences/ HEB commercials).
7. Lack of thugs and egotistical superstars.
8. Class personified.
9. and lastly, every organization in the league (and professional sports) attempts to mirror the Spurs, from the front office to the players.
Other than those reasons, the Spurs are actually a pretty good team.
Posted by: Rob | June 20, 2007 at 12:25 AM
David Stern has proposed a new rule: any time Bruce Bowen manages to injure an opposing player, he gets two shots (to their kidneys) and the ball.
Posted by: Brad | June 21, 2007 at 11:11 PM
i thought that bowen fouled lebron. lebron said that he intended to shoot if he felt contact. by definition, it wasn't a shooting foul. all you could hope for is a bad call. you got one, but the wrong one. too bad.
there must have been some kind of conspiracy to keep the finals short because apparently nobody wanted to watch the annointed one anymore than they wanted to see tim duncan, the greatest player since michael jordan.
Posted by: dave mcnulla | November 03, 2007 at 12:58 AM